Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Independence Day!

Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe time.

Here's Walter Russell Mead with an updated, progressive version of the Declaration of Independence.

"As part of our ongoing project to update and improve the core documents of American history, we present the opening sections of the Declaration of Independence as they ought to have been written, and indeed as it would have been written if the still primitive colonial political process had only been sophisticated enough to restrict participation at important conferences to the appropriately certified, trained and peer-reviewed experts who could have produced a document worth remembering."
Go read it.

Friday, June 29, 2012

It's a Floor Wax! It's a Dessert Topping!

It's a stinkburger whether you call it a "tax" or a "penalty"  I mean, do these people have no shame whatsoever?

Watch this (with a hat tip to Protein Wisdom):

Of course, words mean nothing and you little people out there in sloped forehead flyover land wouldn't understand anyway.  Congressnanny Facelift McBotox says drink your fat free milk, take your nap and STFU.

Can you f-ing believe the arrogance.  This is precisely what the founders were concerned about.

And every time I see this clip I get more and more pissed off.

Back from 7 Year Blogging Hiatus

Well, my lovely wife - I will call her "Betty" - and I have been in the Bay Area for almost seven months now.  We moved here from the great State of Iowa to escape the extreme cold and heat.  Unfortunately, we also had to leave our friends and that has been very much the downside.

We live on what used to be Alameda Naval Air Station (where they keep the "newleear wessels") in Married Officer's Housing.  Our particular piece of surplus housing is a 4 bedroom ranch house.  The neighborhood is very nice.  Every time I take my dog - I will call her "Sandy" - for a walk I get to see the Oakland Bay Bridge, The Golden Gate Bridge and San Francisco.  Frankly, it's magical and every day it makes me smile.

The weather here is just about perfect.  It's no wonder that we stole California from the Spaniards.  The people are very nice for the most part.  And there is so much to do and see.

Okay, now that I've introduced myself and gotten the positives out of the way, not everything is hunky dory out here in Greece on the Pacific.  The State Government is a mess.  Cities are going bankrupt - Stockton being the latest and largest to date.  Many people here have strange and confounding beliefs.  Like "Cargo Cultists",  they seem to think that goods, services and wealth can be created magically.  So far it does not seem to be working.

In moving here, Betty and I are bucking the trend.  Many more business and professionals are emigrating from rather than immigrating to California.  On the plus side, it made moving here less expensive because they need the trucking stock here to move most movers out of state.

So, what is this blog going to be about you ask?  Well, the short answer is that it's going to be about anything I care to post.  But expect to see a lot of political and social commentary and links to other bloggers on the libertarian / conservative side.  Along with this I'm hoping to provide observations and petty analysis of life here in what should be the most prosperous and vibrant State in the Union.  So, if you have a mind to, please visit and leave a comment to keep things lively.

To my Facebook Friends who are following me here, howdy and welcome!  To those who found my commentary inflammatory and just plain mean, you're not reading this.  That is of course unless you're here lurking!  You lurkers!!!

I'm going to try to post every day.  And with the political climate and the tempo at which things are changing, I shouldn't be hard up for material.

Good day to you kind Sirs and Madams.